good moral character

4 12, 2013

President’s Uncle Allowed to Remain in the U.S.

By |2013-12-04T13:50:47-06:00December 4th, 2013|Categories: Asylum in the United States, DHS / Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Green Cards, Lawful Permanent Residence in the U.S., Removal / Deportation Proceedings and Court Hearings, Undocumented Immigrants and Workers in the U.S.|Tags: , , , , , |

Published:  December 4, 2013 Earlier this week, Onyango Obama, the half brother of President Obama’s father, avoided deportation back to his native Kenya and was granted permanent resident status by an Immigration Judge in Boston.  Onyango Obama first arrived in [...]

3 11, 2012

Battered Spouses and Immigration

By |2012-11-03T09:06:33-05:00November 3rd, 2012|Categories: Conditional Permanent Residence Based on Marriage, Employment Authorization / Work Cards in the U.S., Family-Based Immigration Law, Lawful Permanent Residence in the U.S., Removal / Deportation Proceedings and Court Hearings|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Published: November 3, 2012 The battered spouse, whether a man or woman, is a protected class in the world of immigration law. Sensing that foreign nationals who marry U.S. citizens or residents can become vulnerable to the U.S. spouse’s physical [...]

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