Common Questions Facing Applicants for U.S. Citizenship

By |2012-05-15T08:15:57-05:00May 15th, 2012|Categories: Citizenship / Naturalization and the N-400 Application, DHS / Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Family-Based Immigration Law|Tags: , |

Published: May 15, 2012 The requirements to become a U.S. citizen by way of an N-400 Application for Naturalization are generally not complicated, although situations frequently arise where significant questions regarding an applicant’s eligibility are raised. General Requirements for Naturalization: 1. The applicant must be at least 18 years of age and a lawful permanent resident for 5 years. For those who are married to a U.S. citizen, the requirement is only 3 years or residence, although the applicant must have been married to and living with that U.S. citizen spouse for at least 3 years to qualify for this shortened […]