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So far writers-amwn has created 16 blog entries.
16 03, 2023

8 Common Reasons to Hire an Immigration Lawyer in Chicago

By |2023-03-16T09:02:18-05:00March 16th, 2023|Categories: General|

Immigrants make up more than ten percent of the United States population. Immigrants aren't the only people who might need legal advice from an immigration attorney, either. Let's go through the most common reasons for hiring an immigration lawyer in Chicago. 1. Applying for a Green Card or Citizenship A green card (a nickname for a Permanent Resident Card), is a document issued by the government that allows a person to live and work permanently in the United States. A green card grants the holder certain rights and privileges. These include the ability to apply for a driver's license and open bank [...]

17 12, 2022

Common Immigration Issues: 5 Times You Need an Immigration Lawyer

By |2022-12-17T09:12:44-06:00December 17th, 2022|Categories: Immigration and Criminal Law / Detainees|

It's the American Dream. Millions of people file for immigration status in the USA every year. But, with a very complex immigration process and limits on immigration, many of these applicants are denied. Whether you are applying for immigrant status as a family member, student, employee, or asylum-seeker, the applications are complicated. People make mistakes on their applications or run into immigration issues. This can lead to visa refusals. But, there are people who can help. Hiring an immigration lawyer simplifies the process and helps you navigate the system. A lawyer helps you avoid immigration problems and gives you the best [...]

6 06, 2022

What Are the Main Types of Immigration Visas?

By |2022-06-06T20:19:03-05:00June 6th, 2022|Categories: U.S. Immigration Law and Legislation|

With over 40 million immigrants in the USA, the country is no stranger to newcomers. However, despite the large number that has completed the process successfully, it can seem daunting to those who are about to begin the process or would like to immigrate to the USA and have no idea where to start. If you're thinking about immigrating to the USA, let's see if it's possible. Here are the different types of immigration visas. Family and Spousal Visas Most people who immigrate to the US come because their significant other is here or an immediate family member. There are different [...]

16 04, 2022

Temporary Business Visa Requirements

By |2022-04-16T08:29:27-05:00April 16th, 2022|Categories: Customs and Border Patrol / Travel to and from the U.S.|

Welcome to America—the land of opportunity! If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. If you've taken the risk of emigrating to America, chances are you are here for a slice of the American Dream. If your "American Dream" involves owning a business, you are going to need to learn the steps of applying for a business visa. We're going to cover everything you need to know about working with an immigration attorney to get your business visa approved. Let's get down to business! What Are You Applying For? A good place to start would be to define [...]

27 02, 2022

What Is a K1 Visa?

By |2022-02-27T08:28:05-06:00February 27th, 2022|Categories: Immigrant Visas for Spouse / Fiancee / Child Visas, Visa Lottery and Diversity Visas to the U.S.|

If you are a U.S. citizen and want to marry a foreign national and bring them to live with you in the United States, it's generally not a simple process. One of the most often utilized options in this regard is the K1 visa. In many circumstances, this is the visa that makes the most sense to pursue. So what exactly is the K1 visa, and what can you expect from the K1 process? This article will give you insight into the requirements and process. 1. What is the K1 Visa? The K1 visa allows your fiance to enter the United [...]

6 02, 2022

What to Consider Before Hiring a Chicago Immigration Attorney

By |2022-02-06T08:48:23-06:00February 6th, 2022|Categories: General|

Even if it is not a frequent thing, there will come a time in your life when you will need to hire a lawyer for court representation, legal advice, filing, and/or other services. Besides, whether you need immigration legal help individually, or on behalf of your business, one thing is for sure: you should select the right attorney for the best possible outcome. The truth, however, is that selecting the right immigration law office in Chicago, IL and elsewhere can be a difficult process. To make things easier for you, here are the top factors to consider when hiring a Chicago [...]

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