Published: February 9, 2011

Adult U.S. citizens seeking to facilitate overseas immigrant visa processing for their spouse, under 21 year old children, or parents, have likely experienced delays in the processing of their I-130 visa petition filed with the California Service Center over the past few months.  That is because CIS California transferred the cases to the Texas Service Center thinking the staff power there would lead to quicker petition processing.  Well they were wrong and the cases apparently were not attended to, leading CIS officials to last week’s decision to have the vast majority of these petitions transferred back to the California facility to finally get processed.  Normal processing time for petitions for these categories of relatives is around 3 months, if not quicker. According to a recent CIS announcement, impacted parties should see progress in petition processing, if not final decisions, by month’s end.  I give CIS credit for at least trying!

Copyright © 2011, By Law Offices of Richard Hanus, Chicago, Illinois