Citizenship Options for Individuals Serving in the Armed Forces
Published: May 8, 2010
Whether you are a lawful permanent resident or simply undocumented, signing up and serving in the U.S. military may pave a quick, and perhaps an otherwise unavailable path, to U.S. citizenship. By way of laws like the National Defense Authorization Acts for fiscal year 2004 and 2008 and the Expedited Naturalization Executive Order of 2002, permanent residents, and undocumented aliens alike, may be eligible for U.S. citizenship no matter how much time they have spent in the U.S., or their legal status.
Military based applicants will still need to meet moral character requirements and demonstrate basic knowledge of English and American Civics, although they will not be required to pay filing fees.
For more about naturalization options via U.S. military service, call the special CIS customer service line at 1-977-247-4645, or log onto the CIS website –
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